About Me

Movement in various forms have been a part of my life since early childhood, for the simple joy of it, as well as being a quest to the ‘why’ and ‘what’ questions I had. Why do we move and behave the way we do or what moves us really? And how can we express physically/non-verbally what we feel within?

So from childhood on I was engaged in various dance styles/techniques, from ballet to Jazz Dance, modern dance, tap and musical dance.

My heart felt mostly at home with contemporary dance and later on with dance improvisation, such a gaga, 5 rhythms or my own intuitive way. I enjoyed the creative part of choreographing a lot and I still think the fleeting nature of dance makes it a very human art form, in its ever changing, constantly evolving way.

My personal struggles, accidents and injuries gave me more questions and made me search for how to embody harmony.

During my dance studies I had started practicing Pilates and Gyrotonic and can testify to the great healing benefits of these practices, their richness and adaptability being unmatched. However, the ‘how’ (and the why)started becoming more important to me than the what. There are multiple techniques and tools we can apply and use and if and how we are benefitting from them depends also on the state we are in when we enter a practice/healing session.That is why a rather simple yet deep bodymind practice which allows us to enter a receiving, nourishing state of being is at the base of my work. The more we are able to feel ourselves and become available for the present moment, the greater the nourishing effect.

The body-mind/soul connection is an unending vast field for me, and contains simplicity as well as complexity and the paradoxes of our human incarnation.

With my work I intend to join you in the creation of the reality you wish to embody and experience.

There were and are numerous teachers/guides on my way, and what unifies them is the quality of the teacher guiding the student to be their own teacher too.

Without being complete, I want to give credit to them and memorize a lesson I learned that sticks with me.

Vera Sander (for her gentleness and cat like dancing, the falling motions)
Libby Farr (the floor is your best friend, seeing with the eyes in your back)
Gisela Müller (on stage moving your little finger can be enough, if it is done with intention)
Andreas Kreimeyer (Alexander-technique, I let my neck free)
Dan Armon (Alexander technique, being present with and without habits)
The guest dance teacher (do not hide your beautiful energy)
Anke Hauerstein (encouraging and supporting in so many ways to move and be myself)
Guido Witte (humor and humanness and consistency)
Juliu Horvath (the creative gardener)
Maya Lipser (for her energetic dance classes and tools how to improvise)
Jo Siska (for precision and efficiency)
Antje Bismarck
Barbara Droubay (what if we stop feeling bad about ourselves?)
Ishtara Rose (trusting myself and integrating self-worth and self-love as base of all)

What else? I am the mother of a sweet, lovely, lively girl, and she is my greatest teacher of all.

I hold a deep connection to Egypt, to the Sinai Desert region by the Red Sea and consider this place my second home. Whenever I have a chance, I like to travel there to recharge myself.