
September 3, 2024
New Moon emotions – needs and neediness in love and romance

This new moon and the current energies bring up a lot for me. So, this is a rather emotional reflection, if not to call it my little rant about polarity and polarity teachings. Life, and other things gave me the chance to touch another layer, underneath…I find myself so deeply longing for a true connection […]

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August 23, 2024
Reclaim your power or what does embodied empowerment and sovereignty mean?

Recently I came across many ‘reclaim your power’ posts on Instagram, and while this all sounds nice, I’m asking, why should we be empowered (or why aren’t we) and how can you actually achieve this? Reading however positive or uplifting content won’t do the trick. Being fully in my personal power, being sovereign, is what […]

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August 19, 2024
Embodiment & Divine Feminine

Embodiment & Divine Feminine have become such trendy aspects in conscious circles, and as terms even somewhat overused so I shied away a little from using these words to describe an aspect of my work.  Literally everything, and even the most beneficial things can turn into the next ideology and create the next trap instead […]

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