Embodiment & Divine Feminine

Embodiment & Divine Feminine have become such trendy aspects in conscious circles, and as terms even somewhat overused so I shied away a little from using these words to describe an aspect of my work. 

Literally everything, and even the most beneficial things can turn into the next ideology and create the next trap instead of a rise in consciousness and liberation.

With that being said, I do believe embodiment work and the emerging interest in the Divine Feminine path is definitely needed, and we are just at the dawn of an awakening that is happening now and experiencing the beginning of the shift that is necessary to leave behind patriarchal structures of competition, dominance, aggression, win-lose, exploitation and getting ahead no matter what. 

So what does it actually mean? Why do we need embodiment (as we are obviously in a body), and what is Divine Feminine (no, not about the fancy dresses and feathers in the hair, sorry). There has been a lot written about it and I’m giving a short perspective that might resonate with yours.

This is about a rebalancing process. Masculine and feminine energies need each other, and they are both present in each of us, regardless of our sex. So the rebalancing is happening within each individual as well as in the larger collective and in societal structures. I believe the shift in the outside always starts with the shifts inside, the more individuals tip the scale, the more will move in the larger aspects of society. The last centuries, some will say the last 5000 years, we have been living in patriarchal structures that were/are denying the feminine principle, and both men and women suffer from the limiting roles and from not being empowered. The unconscious separation of spirit and matter we have experienced for so long needs healing. The union of heaven and earth can become possible, as heaven on earth. Patriarchy and its tendency to honor reason and intellect above everything else might have been very important for the development in human consciousness, but that need of developing thinking is now surpassed by the greater need of embracing feeling and connection. I want to note that it is not about going back to old structures, to bring back old ways of matriarchy and it is in no way blaming or judging the masculine, and it is also not about blaming and shaming and feeling guilty about what has been. It is about a natural expansion, and the current system is simply not able to sustain us for much longer.

Divine feminine consciousness is power. It is the ability to discern, to know and consciously choose what is valuable to us. When the feminine in us knows what is of genuine value, the masculine  (again, regardless of our sex) in us can step up and honor her by setting priorities and boundaries. To be able to truly know our values, we have to be able to feel, to be connected to our genuine feelings. If we are not able to feel, or not able to follow and trust our feeling, it is almost impossible to say what actually matters to us most. The mind/reason can give arguments and be very convincing for anything! It can justify whatever by logic and how can you know what you truly value (and want and desire in your life as well) then? It will be easier to be manipulated from outside as well, and just to follow the strongest current voice when the own inner whispers were ignored for too long. Those stepping on the Divine Feminine path will be rebels by nature and tend to live outside the mainstream.

A life lived by logic and reason will also become dry, a chore and will lead to the exploitation and greed we currently witness. 

Logic and reason are not to be denied, they are valuable tools, but without the connection to the heart, to feeling, we are cutting ourselves off from our most important source of energy.

So the very first step on this path is trusting what you feel and honoring what you feel follows, which brings us into the body and embodiment.

Coming back to feeling can be very simple, but not easy. Bringing the body to consciousness means being able to bear pain and fear, and also being able to bear bliss, ecstasy, love and passion. It means being present to all of life without running away, shutting down, hiding or resisting. It is possible bit by bit, in a slow and gentle process that allows to integrate the experience. It is not so much about a certain technique, there is no special magic exercise that one needs to perform and then all will be there and perfect and well. It is more about awareness, about remaining present with whatever we are doing. One could do a yoga class, a dance class etc and just go through the motions. Of course doing something like a movement course or dance class is very beneficial and supports health and wellbeing, but when it comes to embodying, it is more about how present we are, about being, more than doing. Through this, consciousness can come, insights, intuition and feeling, and ultimately feeling at home. 

The ‘obstacles’ to the grace we can experience through awareness lie in the pain and in the many layers of the process. When we start to be present with what is, unresolved pain, fear,anger, resentments will show up. At the beginning of my process I felt at times that the amount of grief I experienced was never-ending, until I realized that grief is just the other end of love. And to become responsible and not just reactive one has to process the unresolved past pains that are stored in our bodies. Honoring whatever shows up, and not labeling or judging ourselves and having the trust in the process requires quite a bit of courage. Often, the old stuff is not even ours, it might be generational, collective or imposed on us, and yet we need to feel and witness it in order to release and transmute it. The body knows how to release and heal though, if we trust and stay present, allowing the healing to happen. This is one part of what I refer to when talking about the Divine Feminine path. Another part is the reconnection to the nourishing and receiving qualities. When we are present, and move beyond the past patterns, we become available to the moment. We start to receive and are able to experience life as nourishing. We gain access to our creativity too, and can find our purpose once we connect to the feeling within. When the Feminine in us awakens, the Masculine can follow, and this might mean standing up for what is true and meaningful for us, even if it is against a current standard. This is a lot of work and an ongoing process, and comes in layers and layers.

We all have been entrained in dissociation of body and mind to a certain degree, and partially it is necessary and can’t be completely avoided. The expansion out of it is happening naturally anyway and with commitment and trust in the process the way is unfolding. I hope to contribute in this unfolding by creating awareness and presence in myself and in being witness for others and guiding them in their process too.

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