Soul & Soma Embodiment Journey Sessions

Coming home, being whole and complete, at ease and truly belonging – how does that feel like in your body, in your being?

How do you embody bliss, joy, love, self-worth – without bypassing wounds and shadow aspects?

Soul & Soma Embodiment Sessions are an inquiry into these (and your other) questions and a gentle gui-dance home, to your unique gifts and your individual expressions and flow in your embodied vessel.

The process that unfolds over several sessions intends to guide you gently into your own answers, led by self-trust and your intuition, which will be strengthened over time.

We will touch different layers, using body-mind techniques as well as journeying into the quantum field of your subconscious, and connecting to the unlimited field of spirit within the boundaries of your body-mind. It is a re-membering journey, re-kindling the sacred spark we all carry within us.