Feel at home in your body

Align your body and soul, live from the heart, create balance and liberation
With my work I intend to guide you along your unique path, into your essence at the core of your embodied being.

Holistic and conscious movement practices create the space to relax, feel yourself and enjoy the healing aspects of movement.
Re-member the simplicity and joy of being in your body and realize true freedom to move and the freedom to be completely yourself.
I offer private and group classes, live and online as well as specialized courses for women.

My background in contemporary dance, as well as my personal story of having experienced various accidents and injuries had led me to inquire about self-healing and study a variety of physical exercises and body-mind techniques. Pilates and Gyrotonic®/Gyrokinesis® methods have been a solid and never-ending source of inspiration for me and I love the adaptability and multiple benefits that everyone can enjoy from a regular practice.

Early on, I was aware of memories that are stored in the body, emotions (as literally energy in motion) that can get stuck and can lead to discomfort and dis-ease when not moved.
My preference is working in a gentle way through stuck energetic patterns and guiding my clients to trust and follow their own flow.
If you want to go deeper into the body and soul connection and transform old patterns, I invite you to my individual Soul&Soma sessions which will give you the safe space to feel and express emotions and unravel tension patterns in your body.

My personal joy is to offer a monthly circle for women where we will discover and explore subtle and gentle embodiment practices, as well as energetic explosions on the way back into the deep feminine flow, into our creative power.

Embodiment and a reconnection to the feminine ways is the foundation for me.
Whatever you choose to do in your life, whatever technique you want to apply, the root is being able to feel yourself and know yourself. The feeling and knowing includes all our light and shadows and does not judge anything that shows up on the way. Everything that you are matters!
Embodiment practice means for me a re-set, an undoing of all other often automatic doings, quite the opposite of an exercise or stretching routine. Yet, we can find a practice of how to enter this state of being and refer the embodiment practice into any other practice, like Yoga or dance.
Physical and spiritual liberation is the outcome.

Here is what my clients are saying

I have had the privilege of working with Esther for several years. Her expertise in both Gyrotonic®
and Gyrokinesis® is is evident from the moment you step into any session, which is tailored to my individual needs, helping me achieve a balance of strength, flexibility, and inner calm. Her attention to detail, gentle guidance, and deep understanding of the body-mind connection make every session a journey toward greater well-being. Whether you are new to the gyro universe or looking to deepen your experience, I wholeheartedly recommend Esther to anyone seeking a holistic approach to fitness and health.
-Oliver Holzner
I participated in private Gyrotonic sessions with Esther Bohnhardt because I have scoliosis, and after trying many different methods, I found this approach to be the most beneficial for my back problem. I noticed significant progress, feeling much more open, relaxed, and stronger in my back, chest, and breathing after each session. However, it wasn’t just the technique that made a difference—it was Esther’s patient and supportive guidance. She explained each movement so clearly, consistently bringing the same positive energy to every session, which allowed me to perform the movements correctly. Each one-hour session was active and incredibly helpful. I am so thankful for her dedication and expertise.
-Yalda Yazdani
I have been training with Esther for five years now and am very happy to continue :)
Starting with a prenatal and postnatal class, then weekly Pilates classes and now Soul&Soma sessions. Esther has supported me professionally in various phases of my life, both athletically and holistically. I feel that I am in very good hands with her.
Thanks to Esther's help, I have realized that my core is severely weakened and am now working on it. Through targeted exercises, muscle building and the Soul&Soma sessions with massages and discussions, I am now feeling much better both physically and mentally.

-Yana Sinnig